This week has been interesting in the NBA; a lot of exciting trades and contracts all over the league, as well as, of course, the "hot topic" LeBron James to the Miami Heat.

Tell me what you think of LeBron, his decision, and what you think that the 2010-2011 season will be like!

This should be a great discussion !

Marvin Mosca is a freelance photographer out of Orange County, California with two eyes, one lens, and loads of talent. Tha Blizzog! sat down with this local artist to find out what puts his camera into focus.

"What is your inspiration for photographing?"

"One: The Father of fine arts:  GOD" (smiles)... And Two: Everything that i see with my naked eye (laughs)... A drop of water bouncing in a puddle... the roaring waves of the sea... the unspoiled alignment of the stars, the remarkable lights of the city and most of all a subtle but captivating smile."

"Why did you choose the pictures that you gave me for the feature? What is the significance behind each one?"

"What would you like to do with your photography talents?"

"What would I like to do with it?... Start a business of my own or work for someone... Like be one of the professional photographers in a big company. If that doesnt work out, maybe just freelance and sell some of 'em (laughs)."

"Last question: Is there anywhere that the readers of Tha Blizzog! can view your portfolio or gallery?"

"Yes, I made a website for my pictures; you can check it out at